- ISEM – International Security and Emergency Management Institute (SK)
- SDIS73 _ Service Departemental Incendie et Secours de la Savoie (FR)
- PPI – Population Protection Institute, Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic (CZ)
- FDC – Freguesia de Cordinhã (PT)
- HI – Hellenberg International (FI)
- SPEK, Rescue Services Association of Finland (FI)
- NALAS – a network of municipal associations from South-East and Central Europe(MK)
- UC – Universidade da Coruña coordinating the regional crisis and emergency group (ES)
- DIST – Italian Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (IT)
- BDI The Bulgarian Defence Institute(BG)
- CNR – The Institute of Research and Innovation and Services for Development – Italian National Research Council (IT)
- GAMER Ministry of Interior, Civil Protetcion and Crisis Management Centre (TR)
- European Studies Research Centre (AVAR) at Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University