Kategória: Training

Leadership communication: simulation of a disaster in Chambery

The objective of this exercise was to be able to carry out the good practices resulting from the guide developed in the context of the CRISPRO project. The main theme of the exercise was related to a natural risk and a climate-induced episode of heavy rainfall. The exercise was related to caring for vulnerable groups in the affected community and minimising the chemical and radiological risks completing the scenario. The international cooperation visit and table-top exercise took place in Chambery (13-14 April 2022). This event was convened within the project Security and Protection through Knowledge Synergies (CRISPRO). Organisers of the event are two partners of the project consortium as follows:

  • ISEMI or the International Security and Emergency Management Institute, a Slovakian-based think-tank and security policy organisation and,
  • SDI73, The SAVOIE Fire and Rescue Services (ICS SDIS73 CRISPRO), a public organisation, is in charge of prevention, protection and fight against disasters of all types.

Objectives of the event: prevention and assessment of civil protection risks, Preparedness of safeguard measures and emergency response organisation, Protection of peoples, goods and environment, and Emergency relief to victims of accidents or disasters and their medical evacuation.

The animation team of evaluators and mentors (about ten people) was provided by the SDIS 73. In addition, the members of the CRISPRO network were requested to facilitate the sequences relating to the reminders of the good practice guide developed in the context of this project. All the necessary mapping was available on the web applications, and paper copies were also provided. The exercise participants were placed in a support function to the local authorities in terms of crisis management. They developed the entire organisation and coordination of the emergency intervention approach. The acting partners anticipated and followed up a list of necessary actions with different services/authorities.

By exercise agreement, the rules for local relief organisations were those of the INSARAG system in the context of international support.

This exercise provided an opportunity to use the good practice guide and extend it if necessary.

Comprehensive security networking system in Finland

The Finnish concept of comprehensive security means that society’s vital functions are secured through collaboration between the authorities, the business community, organisations and citizens. 

In the spirit of the Finnish crisis management approach, representatives from Italy, Spain, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Finland unwrap a series of topical discussions concerning the role of various actors in ensuring greater resilience of the societies during the technical advisory board meeting on 28 March 2022 in Helsinki.

Ms Ilona Hatakka highlighted the vital functions of the individuals, society and global environment as follows: leadership, psychological resilience, functional capacity of the population and services, economic infrastructure and security of supply, internal security defense capacity and international activities.

In addition, Mr Jari Honkanen (EU and International Affairs Unit, Department for Rescue Services of the MoI, Finland) outlined that ensuring the protection of the civilians is a combination of rescue tasks in prevention and quality reaction, including various rescue services and inhabitants‘ preparedness activities.

Another good example of securing the continuity of the society’s critical economic functions and technical systems was presented by Ms Hanna Havumäki from the National Supply Agency of Finland. Participants of the working meetings discussed opportunities for conducting public-private partnerships for mitigating the consequences of societal disruptions by securing stockpiles.

However, professional skills, fairness and reliability are core values for any response emergency centre, concluded the participants who followed the concise presentation of the senior expert Juha-Veli Frantti. Furthermore, modernisation of services and technological upgrades and legal amendments and educational advances are critical for maintaining quality early warning and emergency responses, concluded participants of the workshops.

The influx of refugees and common migration policies were specific topics of the dialogue meetings of the Migration Offices from Slovakia and Finland and the Finnish Immigration Authorities.


Young Crisis Magers in Ferrol

We also propose you get closer to the research of any student by taking few minutes to follow their presentations.

Multi-risk investment optimization

Building Forest Resilience

Modelling Crisis Phenomena Lab

Online Course: Inclusive Disaster Risk Management

Local governments are at the forefront of dealing with natural disasters such as floods, floods, fires, earthquakes, droughts. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic as an unprecedented and biggest crisis of our time is hardly affecting societies and communities.  Not only, that these events hinder local level sustainable development, but also exacerbate existing vulnerabilities and creating new social inequalities. The vulnerable categories of citizens e.g. women, children, youth, disabled, the elderly, citizens exposed st social risks, etc are bearing the heaviest consequences that weaken their resilience. The exclusion suffered by these groups and their low level of participation in society can result in their needs being overlooked in disaster risk management measures. Therefore, the local governments need to integrate their needs and capabilities while planning and reducing the disaster risks and ensuring that no one is left behind.

The link of the IDRM e-learning course http://nalas-academy.com/

Should you be interested in participating in the course in 2022, please contact us on terzieva@isemi.sk

CiProVoT online course

A Trans-national training course CiProVoT offering three modules for Civil Protection Volunteers, is hosted by CRISPRO.

The development of disaster prevention and awareness in the Civil Protection is closely linked to the ability to draw in the experiences and learning of this daily work as well as using daily operation in non-disaster situations to create networks with and broader awareness among other key stakeholders and the public on risk-management, disaster prevention and preparedness.


The Civil Protection Volunteer Course is an online multinational training programme that aims to provide you with technical skills. It ables you to share experiences and create networks with other experts in disaster prevention.

The first module is about national hazards and disaster risk reduction. The second is focused on crisis management, and the third unwraps opportunities for using ICT in disaster resilience and risk management.

Each training module is developed into subunits consisting of four hours of study. At the end of the training course, you will identify the global and regional type of hazards, identify and understand the impacts causing the various hazards in Europe, understand the disaster risk reduction concepts and develop your conceptual frameworks. Finally, you will be able to identify disaster risk reduction strategies and operational planning.

You can start your training by registering on the online course platform.

CiProVoT-Civil Protection Volunteers Training

CiProVot Course Presentation
Introduction: Natural Hazard and Disaster Risk Reduction
Module 1. Natural Hazard and Disaster Risk Reduction
Module 2. Emergency planning
Module 3. ICT for Disaster Risk Reduction Activities

Virtual Control Room (VCR)

The Virtual Control Room (VCR) established in International Hellenic University (IHU) is one of the most complete and modern VCR all over Europe. The VCR of IHU has been funded by the Administrative Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace in Northern Greece. It specializes in the fundamental and advanced training of students and professionals on control room operations and emergency responses during technological or natech accidents. 

Most of the scenarios examined in the VCR are not hypothetical or fiction products, but rather the result of long-term interviews with industry executives, field operators and control room operators in order to reproduce accurately, efficiently and effectively near-misses, dangerous incidents and accidents. This is particularly beneficial to the trainees for getting well acquainted with what-if fact-scenarios of our developed comprehensive database, and coping with difficult circumstances, often more difficult than they actually were. To that end, trainees have the opportunity to test and understand their limits in a highly secure environment; and on the other hand the industrial executives to be informed about the suitability and readiness of their staff. 

For more information visit teiemt.gr.

A Virtual Center for Rescue Services

A virtual centre for the assistance of the Fire and Rescue Service was established in the Czech Republic. The centre is virtually based on tvhasici.cz. It aims to also support the citizens in actively managing the current situation and overcome the most difficult moments. A focus is given to COVID-19 support of experts from psychology, population protection, and medical sectors.

The website was created at the Government Council for Mental Health initiative, which proposed the involvement of the psychological service of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic in the psychological support of the general population.

„Although the tvhasici.cz project is currently focused on the most current topic – tackling the covid-19 epidemic. The teams will enhance the information covering a wide range of security threats and life situations, all to fulfil our long-term efforts, which is to increase preparedness and strengthen citizens‘ resilience, “ adds František Paulus, director of the Institute for the Protection of the Population.
The virtual assistance centre’s deployment enables a broader human-centred approach in disaster management and protection of the population.