Kategória: Research

Anthropogenic threats and trust of citizens

Security and trust of citizens are challenged by new social phenomenons of the extremism and security of students at schools. Leaders fail or prove their professional approach in the event of a disaster or extraordinary situation that disturbs the regular community sets. The following case study presents the case of the school shooting at a Finnish school.

Pandemic and multi vulnerabilities

Trends of new shocking crises are raising a greater number of questions to what extent we can react to massive and shocking cross border pandemics and what to do first. We learn from our approaches, that laws and regulations are creating the foundations of disaster management actions, however, the critical issues can be answered by nobody but the integrated and coordinated approaches on a local level. The case study below stresses the foremost issues, protecting the most vulnerable and preventing them from further development of social and economic instability in the event of evolving contagious human diseases.

Disruption of telecommunications

Natural phenomena and cyber agents are drivers of large-scale disorders of the social and economic activities in our communities. The case study below demonstrates the practical experience of dealing with summer storms that affected also the data transfer and electricity utility networks in Finland.

Call for solutions

In the context of the FIRE-IN project, in which KEMEA is actively involved as a partner, we have prepared two questionnaires (one for technology providers and one for first responders), which we hope you will find interesting and dedicate a few minutes to fill in.

FIRE-IN is a networking project, which aims to the identification of first responders’ challenges in their everyday operations and solutions (research projects and publications, standards, guidelines, best practices, technological innovations), which can address and cover these challenges.

Our intention is to receive feedback from both technology providers and first responders regarding their view on technological innovations and standards, how these two domains can enhance disaster management capacities, if and to what extent they cover challenges in responders’ everyday operations, as well as future technological trends and expected developments in disaster management solutions.

For this purpose, we have prepared the following two questionnaires, one dedicated to technology providers and another one dedicated to practitioners. In the questionnaires you will find a short description of the project and an introduction to the topic of the questionnaire.

We kindly ask you to fill in the respective questionnaire, taking into consideration the type of organization you are working for, until 31.01.2022. Both questionnaires are anonymous and no personal information will be gathered, required and further processed.

Case Studies: an integrated safety and security culture

The risks threatening the modern societies have become increasingly complex and generally require cross-sectoral cooperation due to reduced security as a whole. The global trends concerning climate change, mobilisation, conflicts, forced migration, and transferrable forms of violation are also linked to social media and citizens‘ mobilisation/awareness. The widespread communicable airborne diseases heavily impact European societies‘ protection efforts. The increased number of multi-facet disasters, incidents and forms of disorder and interruption threatened the sustainable and stable delivery of the citizens‘ services, supply of goods, medicines, health and social care services, and utilities.

Download the report here: D_3_2_CRISPRO-WP2-case-studies_25122021_FINAL-AnNEX.pdf.

CRISPRO partners collected and analyses 22 case studies about disasters: extreme natural events, climate change, technological failure combined with the stationary chemical hazards and sociogenic behavioural stress, CBRN-communicable deceases related events, and violation events triggered by industrialisation and smartening of the systems and communities.

Analysed cases study demonstrates a multiple-threats approach is needy. Therefore, learning from practical experience and investing in prevention and learning from others shall be critical knowledge-based issues for gaining greater resilience of the societies.

Interoperability of early warning mechanisms is required to develop a new integrated safety and security culture, which is the centre of the societal resilience concept.

The best practices are outlined as the CRISPRO benchmarking approach to support decision-makers to create safety for societies and citizens.

Provide your opinion about practices in multi-hazards and crisis leadership management

Please help us improve our knowledge on disaster risk reduction by completing CRISPRO survey on multi-hazards and combined threats with cascading effects related to crisis leadership management.

Language localisation

Czech version






The Questionnaire aims:

To develop an Assessment Support System supporting policy and decision-makers in systematising interactions of related sectors/disciplines (intervention areas). It will bring positive effects of a given policy (characterised as one of several management options) are enhanced, and negative impacts across sectors/disciplines are identified and adequately addressed/mitigated.

Natural, technological (man-made) and biological risk management practices require a comprehensive understanding of the interactions and interdependencies of the related natural, technological and societal systems. Risk assessment can be challenging even for the impacts of a single natural hazard on a single facility. This initiative focuses on considering multiple and/or combined hazards and multiple interacting facilities at the same time. One needs to also bear in mind possible further cascading events (e.g. domino accidents) and consequences with cascading impacts (e.g. via business interruption) which requires a comprehensive and multi-vulnerability risk assessment involving complex chain(s) severity considerations.

64% of Europeans are aware of the risk of disasters in their regions

Almost two thirds of the EU residents (Special Eurobarometer 511b) are aware of the risk of disasters in the regions they live, outlines a survey distributed by the communication unit of DG ECHO. It also shared with the CRISPRO network some exciting news on the EU’s strengthened civil protection, following the adoption of the proposal for a new UCPM legislation by the European Parliament. 

  1. Upcoming new legislation on the Union Civil Protection Mechanism

The European Parliament voted on 27 April to strengthen the role of the European Union in crisis management through a legislative revision of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. This allows for faster and more effective European solidarity and EU operations in response to large-scale emergencies and disasters that affect several countries at the same time.

2. Eurobarometer survey on EU Civil Protection

At the end of 2020, the European Commission gathered citizens‘ opinions on EU civil protection in the 27 EU Member States. The survey results show clear support for the EU’s role in crisis management, with 84 % of Europeans agreeing that coordinated EU action should be increased to respond more effectively to future disasters and crises. More than 9 in 10 Europeans agree that their country should provide help when a disaster strikes in another EU country that is too big to deal with on their own, a clear sign of support for EU solidarity. The full report, and a specific factsheet on your country are equally available.

3. Awareness raising campaign on EU Civil Protection

To raise awareness about the EU’s role in supporting countries in Europe and worldwide to manage crises DG ECHO has launched a communication campaign via its corporate channels as well as through tailored advertising in seven target countries (AT, DE, FR, IT, LT, RO, SK). DG ECHO’s campaign uses various examples to visualise how the EU and EU Member States teamed up throughout the past months – displaying how the #EUActsTogether.