Leadership communication: simulation of a disaster in Chambery
The objective of this exercise was to be able to carry out the good practices resulting from the guide developed in the context of the CRISPRO project. The main theme of the exercise was related to a natural risk and a climate-induced episode of heavy rainfall. The exercise was related to caring for vulnerable groups in the affected community and minimising the chemical and radiological risks completing the scenario. The international cooperation visit and table-top exercise took place in Chambery (13-14 April 2022). This event was convened within the project Security and Protection through Knowledge Synergies (CRISPRO). Organisers of the event are two partners of the project consortium as follows:
- ISEMI or the International Security and Emergency Management Institute, a Slovakian-based think-tank and security policy organisation and,
- SDI73, The SAVOIE Fire and Rescue Services (ICS SDIS73 CRISPRO), a public organisation, is in charge of prevention, protection and fight against disasters of all types.
Objectives of the event: prevention and assessment of civil protection risks, Preparedness of safeguard measures and emergency response organisation, Protection of peoples, goods and environment, and Emergency relief to victims of accidents or disasters and their medical evacuation.
The animation team of evaluators and mentors (about ten people) was provided by the SDIS 73. In addition, the members of the CRISPRO network were requested to facilitate the sequences relating to the reminders of the good practice guide developed in the context of this project. All the necessary mapping was available on the web applications, and paper copies were also provided. The exercise participants were placed in a support function to the local authorities in terms of crisis management. They developed the entire organisation and coordination of the emergency intervention approach. The acting partners anticipated and followed up a list of necessary actions with different services/authorities.
By exercise agreement, the rules for local relief organisations were those of the INSARAG system in the context of international support.
This exercise provided an opportunity to use the good practice guide and extend it if necessary.