Vulnerability, Resilience, and Crowding…in Disaster Management

Lessons Learnt from Recent MegaDisasters

 Training and Knowledge Sharing Platform for First Responders and Educational Tools for students’ and citizens’ awareness and preparedness against Natural and Manmade Disasters and Risks Lessons Learnt from recent Megadisasters  in Europe  Keynote Speech:  Prof. Emmanouloudis D., International Hellenic University  Ass. Prof. Chalaris M., International Hellenic UniversityThe role of volunteers in the homicidal disasters Presenter: Dr. Karamanou A., General…

Information sharing between Law Enforcement Authorities in Europe: best practices and challenges

The ILEAnet H2020 project workshop is organised as part of a study led by CEIS-Avisa Partners on how European Law Enforcement Authorities (LEAs) share information in the domains of migration, terrorism, cybercrime, and serious & organised crimes. The study is conducted in the framework of the EU project ILEAnet co-creating a sustainable LEA-practitioners network centered on research & innovation challenges.  Keynote speakers:…

Putting Resilience on the First Place

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Multi-hazards and combined threats‘ trends: presentation of the results from the international survey Public Assessment Tool: Launching a discussion on the CRISPRO support management and evidence-based methods. The event’s focus is a multi-hazard and multi-vulnerability risk assessment tool tackling the complex chain(s) of socio-economic effects scenarios. Scientists and risk management experts will demonstrate applicable practices and approaches…

Crowd Management and Vulnerability Mitigation Methods

Table-top exercises models for crowd managementVulnerability in Risk Analyses Would you like to learn how to assess crowd safety risks and identify hazards? We offer a consultative workshop for demonstrating various vulnerability aspects of evacuating, rescuing, and caring for people victims of flood and storm disasters. We are looking for defining standard operational procedures, material…