Provide your opinion about practices in multi-hazards and crisis leadership management
Please help us improve our knowledge on disaster risk reduction by completing CRISPRO survey on multi-hazards and combined threats with cascading effects related to crisis leadership management.
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The Questionnaire aims:
To develop an Assessment Support System supporting policy and decision-makers in systematising interactions of related sectors/disciplines (intervention areas). It will bring positive effects of a given policy (characterised as one of several management options) are enhanced, and negative impacts across sectors/disciplines are identified and adequately addressed/mitigated.
Natural, technological (man-made) and biological risk management practices require a comprehensive understanding of the interactions and interdependencies of the related natural, technological and societal systems. Risk assessment can be challenging even for the impacts of a single natural hazard on a single facility. This initiative focuses on considering multiple and/or combined hazards and multiple interacting facilities at the same time. One needs to also bear in mind possible further cascading events (e.g. domino accidents) and consequences with cascading impacts (e.g. via business interruption) which requires a comprehensive and multi-vulnerability risk assessment involving complex chain(s) severity considerations.