Universidade da Coruña

Universidade da Coruña coordinating the regional crisis and emergency group (ES) brings recent cross-sectoral cooperation experience in the Designdesigning the COVID19 de-climbing protocols (For sports events, shows, access to beaches…). Design of surveillance systems such as tracking systems for the elderly, rescue mechanisms. Extensive experience in the delivery of emergencies awareness and education in schools, seminars, conferences. Experience in the elaboration of protocols in forest fires. Our group involves on permanent basis researchers and professors of the University, as well as technicians and professionals in civil protection and experts in anticipation, planning and prevention, and operative emergency actuation. In the field of civil protection, the members of the group have experience in:

• Leading and directing operational emergency teams in urban and forest fires, maritime pollution and traffic accidents.

• Leading and directing operational preventive teams in large civil concentrations: social events, sport and competitions, etc.

• Designing and putting into service civil protection plans in the fields of droughts, forest fires or seismic hazard.

• Designing and putting into service territorial plans, and directive plans in the field of civil protection

• Collaborating in teams of search and rescue

• Disseminating self-protection practices to sectors of the population that are more sensitive

• Designing and coordinating emergency exercises in public and private centres

Also, the group members provide recent cross-sectoral cooperation experience in the Design of the COVID19 de-climbing protocols (For sports events, shows, access to beaches…), Design of surveillance systems such as tracking systems for the elderly, rescue mechanisms. Extensive experience in the delivery of emergencies awareness and education in schools, seminars, conferences. Experience in the elaboration of protocols in forest fires. The group was created in November 2019. The philosophy is to be a space of reference within the University for the research and study of any matter related to civil protection. Spain and the Galician region have a long tradition in civil protection. Still, there was not yet space specifically designed for the research in our area and where professionals of the activity could come together and put information in common.

Since November 2019, there are several projects in progress:

• Improvement of communication between emergency services (fire protection, police, sanitary services) and administration.

• Unification and improvement of prevention protocols for the action in case of weather emergencies

• Models for the integral management of safe beach areas, including rescue, coordination of sanitary services, information to citizens, etc.

• Dissemination of self-protection principles in schools

• Educational models for schools and educative community to study the environment and be proactive in terms of safety

The sanitary crisis made our group concentrate efforts in collaboration with local entities to help them Design and put in service COVID19 protocols. In this specific pandemic field, projects executed are:

• Protocols for sport facilities

• Protocols for public events

• protocols for buildings